Fearing Stigmatizing The Patient – Doctors Will Cite Alcohol As Cause Of Death, But Not Smoking.

Not wanting to stigmatize the deceased, UK doctors are not in general citing smoking as a cause of death on death certificates, although they will cite alcohol in cases where alcohol is a clear cause…

Fizzy Drinks Linked To Violence Amongst Teens

More blows to the fizzy, sugary drink industry with research suggesting that teens who drink a can a day of soft drink or around five cans per week are more likely to become aggressive, even carrying weapons and being physically violent with friends, fellow students and family members.

Body weight, diet may be risk factors for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Body weight in young adulthood and diet appeared to be associated with the risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, according to new research.

BPA Exposure In Womb Linked To Behavior Problems In Young Girls

Exposure to BPA in the womb is linked to behavioral and emotional difficulties in pre-school children, and girls in particular, concludes a new study published online in Pediatrics…

BPA Exposure In Womb Linked To Behavior Problems In Young Girls

Exposure to BPA in the womb is linked to behavioral and emotional difficulties in pre-school children, and girls in particular, concludes a new study published online in Pediatrics…

Alcohol-Free Days Give Liver Time To Recover Say UK Doctors

UK doctors are recommending men and women who drink should have two or three alcohol-free days a week to give the liver time to recover. The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) says the government guidelines should be amended as they imply daily drinking is safe…

Potential Link Between Body Weight, Diet And Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Body weight in young adulthood and diet appeared to be associated with the risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma, according to results presented at the 10th AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, being held Oct. 22-25, 2011…