Ads Influence Children’s Food Choices

A new study suggests watching advertisements influences children’s food choices. Parental encouragement to choose healthier options also appears to have an effect, although when that goes against the message of commercials, parental influence is not as strong as the researchers expected.

Peer Mentors Help Teens Lose Weight

Obesity among adolescents has more than tripled over the past 40 years, and recent estimates find that over 18% of teens in the U.S. are obese…

Controversy Surrounding Nutrition For Intensive Care Patients

Patients who are fed more calories while in intensive care have lower mortality rates than those who receive less of their daily-prescribed calories, according to a recent study of data from the largest critical care nutrition database in the world…

Green Tea Helps Mice Keep Off Extra Pounds

Green tea may slow down weight gain and serve as another tool in the fight against obesity, according to Penn State food scientists…