Vitamin B3 Found In Milk May Result In Substantial Health Benefits

A new study from researchers at the Weill Cornell Medical College and the Swiss Polytechnic School in Lausanne reveals that a unique form of vitamin B3 that occurs in small quantities in milk produces substantial health benefits in high doses in mice…

Salads With Dressing May Be Better For You Than Without

Salads are packed with healthy vegetables, but without the right type and amount of salad dressing you could be missing out on several disease-fighting vitamins and nutrients, according to researchers at Purdue University. The study is published online in the Journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research…

Overall Post-Meal Blood Sugar Levels Reduced By Snacking On Raisins

New research debuted at the American Diabetes Association’s 72nd Annual Scientific Session suggests eating raisins three times a day may significantly lower postprandial (post-meal) glucose levels when compared to common alternative snacks of equal caloric value…

Healthy Eating Hindered By Parents’ Work-Life Stress

In a tight economy, with fewer jobs, many people end up working harder and sacrificing more to stay employed.