Fish Oils Do Not Reduce Gestational Diabetes And Preeclampsia Risk

Taking DHA-enriched fish oils during the second half of pregnancy does not lower the risk of developing preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, researchers from Adelaide University, Australia, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…

Fruit Flies That Overeat To The Point Of Obesity Develop Insulin Resistance

With Type 2 human diabetes climbing at alarming rates in the United States, researchers are seeking treatments for the disease, which has been linked to obesity and poor diet. Now biologists at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, report they have developed a new tool that will help researchers better understand this deadly disease…

Nicotinamide Riboside In Milk May Protect Against Obesity

A natural ingredient found in milk can protect against obesity even as mice continue to enjoy diets that are high in fat.

Coffee Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease Avoidance

Those cups of coffee that you drink every day to keep alert appear to have an extra perk – especially if you’re an older adult. A recent study monitoring the memory and thinking processes of people older than 65 found that all those with higher blood caffeine levels avoided the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in the two-to-four years of study follow-up…