Watermelon Can Improve Heart Health While Controlling Weight Gain

Although apples are the most commonly known fruit to give people great health benefits, a new study has found that eating watermelon can play a significant role in cardiovascular health. According to research from Purdue University and University of Kentucky, mice that were given a diet which included watermelon juice received considerable benefits when compared to the control group…

Vitamin D Does Not Help Prevent Colds

Despite past reports that Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, helps with upper respiratory tract infections (colds), researchers are now saying it does not help reduce how often or how severely we get colds, according to a new study in JAMA…

Tuna Report Solves Problem That Doesn’t Exist

A recent report from The Mercury Policy Project features a dozen solutions for the alleged problem that kids eat too much tuna.

High-Sugar, High-Salt Intake Creates ‘A Ticking Time Bomb Of Health Problems’

The fat- and sugar-rich Western diet leads to a lifetime of health problems, dramatically increasing the risk of stroke or death at a younger age, according to a study presented today at the Canadian Stroke Congress…