New international practical reference guide: which probiotics for which lower GI symptoms?

Doctors, people with gastrointestinal (GI) problems as well as the general public are becoming increasingly aware of the probiotics in general. However, with the increasingly broad range of products, it is difficult to choose which probiotics might be useful for a specific GI problem…

Scientists hope new soy flour will reduce dementia risk

Scientists in Loughborough and Indonesia have developed a new soy-based flour product they hope will improve memory in older age and reduce the risk of dementia. The flour originates from tempe – a fermented soy-based product similar to tofu used widely in Asian cooking…

Researchers maximize broccoli’s cancer-fighting potential

Spraying a plant hormone on broccoli – already one of the planet’s most nutritious foods – boosts its cancer-fighting potential, and researchers say they have new insights on how that works. They published their findings, which could help scientists build an even better, more healthful broccoli, in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry…

In rare inherited disorder, gene mutation sheds light on protein’s role in brain development

Though worlds apart, four unrelated families have been united in a medical mystery over the source of a rare inherited disorder that results in their children being born with abnormal brain growth and severe functional impairments…