Prices, family interactions influence eating behaviors

Researchers looked at how prices, parents and peers affect fruit and vegetable consumption among African-American youths. Researchers say understanding these factors can help design more effective policy interventions.

Thousands of tonnes of saturated fat to be taken out of the nation’s diet, UK

More than one and a half Olympic size swimming pools of saturated fat will be removed from the nation’s diet over the next year as part of a drive to cut the amount of saturated fat in our food…

Potential risk in consuming excess omega-3 fatty acids

A new review suggests that omega-3 fatty acids taken in excess could have unintended health consequences in certain situations, and that dietary standards based on the best available evidence need to be established…

Nanotech labels for food wanted and the public are prepared to pay for it

New research from North Carolina State University and the University of Minnesota finds that people in the United States want labels on food products that use nanotechnology – whether the nanotechnology is in the food or is used in food packaging. The research also shows that many people are willing to pay more for the labeling…

Diets of obese women affected by additional calories from soft drinks

Obese women voluntarily reduce what they eat in response to additional soft drinks being added to their diets – a new 4 week study finds…

October 30, 2013 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , , ,