Vitamin D linked with improved survival in bowel cancer patients

Higher levels of vitamin D in the blood are associated with a much better chance of surviving bowel cancer, scientists from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Edinburgh have discovered.

Heart disease risk in childhood cancer survivors ‘reduced by healthy lifestyle’

Childhood cancer survivors are at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, but a new study shows that following a healthy lifestyle can reduce this risk.

Analyzing the composition of bacterial communities found in the body

Trillions of bacteria live in each person’s digestive tract. Scientists believe that some of these bacteria help digest food and stave off harmful infections, but their role in human health is not…

Traumatic brain injury-induced oxidative stress reduced by melatonin

Traumatic brain injury can cause post-traumatic neurodegenerations with an increase in reactive oxygen species and reactive oxygen species-mediated lipid peroxidation.