Obese children’s health rapidly improves with sugar reduction unrelated to calories

Reducing consumption of added sugar, even without reducing calories or losing weight, has the power to reverse a cluster of chronic metabolic diseases, including high cholesterol and blood pressure…

Study: A low-carb diet outperforms a low-fat diet when it comes to health outcomes

Low-carbohydrate eating is more effective for heart health and weight loss than low-fat dieting, a new study finds. These outcomes counter the current U.S.

Divided opinions on vitamin D enrichment

Vitamin D is important for the absorption and metabolism of calcium, as well as for maintaining healthy bones and muscles.

Eat more fruits and vegetables in young adulthood for a healthier heart

Eating seven to nine portions of fruits and vegetables daily as a young adult may benefit heart health 20 years later, according to new research.

Scientists produce beneficial natural compounds in tomato – industrial scale-up potential

Given the opportunity to drink fifty bottles of wine or eat one tomato, which would you choose?