Adherence to nutrition recommendations and use of supplements essential for vegans

Vegans adhere to nutrition recommendations in varying degrees, according to a new Finnish study.

Adherence to nutrition recommendations, use of supplements essential for vegans

Vegans adhere to nutrition recommendations in varying degrees, according to a new Finnish study. Some vegans who participated in a new study followed a balanced diet, while others had dietary deficiencies.

Certain mealtime practices at hospitals may help patients eat better

New research confirms that hospital patients often eat poorly, and that the hospital mealtime environment may contribute to this problem.

US adults get failing grade in healthy lifestyle behavior

Only 2.7 percent of the U.S. adult population achieves all four of some basic behavioral characteristics that researchers say would constitute a “healthy lifestyle” and help protect against…

Reverse your diabetes – and you can stay diabetes-free long-term

A new study from Newcastle University has shown that people who reverse their diabetes and then keep their weight down remain free of diabetes.