Could low vitamin D in pregnancy mean a risk of MS in offspring?

Multiple sclerosis has been linked with low vitamin D intake; a new study adds evidence that low vitamin D during pregnancy could raise the risk of MS in later life.

Could yogurt help lower high blood pressure?

A study finds women who ate at least five yogurt portions per week had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure; the link was strongest for those on a healthy diet.

Dysfunction of cellular powerplant shakes B-vitamin metabolism and causes genetic damage

Mitochondria are the cellular powerplant, but their functions in conjunction with B-vitamins are only starting to be revealed.

High-GI diet linked to increased lung cancer risk

A diet with a high glycemic index – a measure of how the carbohydrates in foods will affect blood glucose levels – may increase the risk of lung cancer, new research suggests.

Avoiding peanut after building tolerance is safe for children

Children who were at risk of peanut allergy but who built up tolerance over 5 years can safely stop eating peanut for a year without losing tolerance.