Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term, Penn research shows

Incorporating omega-3, vitamins and mineral supplements into the diets of children with extreme aggression can reduce this problem behavior in the short term, especially its more impulsive, emotional…

Obesity on the rise in Indonesia

The ‘double burden of malnutrition.’Obesity is on the rise in Indonesia, one of the largest studies of the double burden of malnutrition in children has revealed.

Another reason for wine lovers to toast resveratrol

Resveratrol found in red wine could help counteract the negative impact of high fat/high sugar diets.Red wine lovers have a new reason to celebrate.

What is Protein? Which Foods Contain Protein?

Learn all about protein, a macronutrient that builds and maintains body tissue. Find out about what protein is used for and which foods contain protein with this article.