Holistic approach to mealtimes could help dementia sufferers

Eating together, providing social support and interaction during meals could help people with dementia avoid dehydration and malnutrition – according to new NIHR-funded research from the University…

Scientists create tasty ginger beverages with healthy qualities

One is a soft drink and the other is milk fermented, both help the intestinal system, and their antioxidant activity may contribute to the prevention of cancer and vascular diseases.

Assessment of total choline intakes in the United States

Choline is an essential nutrient and plays a critical role in brain development, cell signaling, nerve impulse transmission, liver function, and maintenance of a healthy metabolism.

A Mediterranean style diet might slow down ageing and reduce bone loss

Sticking to a Mediterranean style diet might slow down ageing finds the EU funded project NU-AGE.

Grape polyphenols help counter negative effects of high fat diet

Grape polyphenols helped offset some of the adverse health consequences of consuming a high fat diet rich in saturated fat, according to two laboratory studies conducted at the University of North…