What Drinks are Good and Bad for People with Diabetes?

People with diabetes often think about what foods are suitable for them, but drinks must also be chosen with care. We look at some tasty beverage ideas.

Precut salad may encourage growth of salmonella

A new study from the University of Leicester shows that small amounts of damage to salad leaves in bagged salads encourage the presence of Salmonella enterica.

Fast-cooking dry beans provide more protein, iron than ‘slower’ varieties

Beans are a versatile, inexpensive staple that can boost essential nutrients in a diet, especially for people in low-resource areas where food options are limited.

Whole-fat milk consumption associated with leaner children, research finds

Children who drink whole milk are leaner and have higher vitamin D levels than those who drink low-fat or skim milk, new research suggests.Children who drank whole (3.

Eating fiber keeps gut microbes from eating you

Doctors and nutritionists have always told us to eat our broccoli; a new study shows what happens if we do not listen to their advice.

November 17, 2016 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,

Too much fatty food could set children up for mental problems

First study to provide molecular mechanisms for how eating high-fat foods in excess during adolescence alters executive functions.

Yo-yo dieting may increase risk of heart disease death

New research suggests that repeatedly losing weight and regaining it can be dangerous for your heart, even if you are not overweight.

Nutrition protects against the impact of stress on the brain in early life

Young mice that grow up in stressful circumstances go on to have fewer cognitive-impairments and memory problems as adults if they are given enriched breast milk.

Red is good. The brain uses color to help us choose what to eat

Red means “Green light, go for it!” Green means: “hmm, better not!” Like an upside down traffic light in our brain, color helps us decide whether or not to eat something.

Skipping breakfast and not enough sleep can make children overweight

Mothers smoking in pregnancy, children skipping breakfast and not having a regular bedtime or sufficient sleep all appear to be important factors in predicting whether a child will become overweight…

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