What should you eat while taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics attack and destroy bacteria in the body. They can get rid of an infection, but they can also harm the beneficial bacteria in the gut. In this article, learn which foods can reduce the side effects of antibiotics, promote healing, and restore the balance in the gut microbiome.

Changes in the diet affect epigenetics via the microbiota

You are what you eat, the old saying goes, but why is that so? Researchers have known for some time that diet affects the balance of microbes in our bodies, but how that translates into an effect…

Brain Addiction To Fast Carbs Is Real, Imaging Study Shows

Highly processed carbohydrates can trigger the same brain mechanism associated with substance addiction, researchers from the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 26th, 2013 issue)…

A Biological Effect Of Aging May Be Slowed By Omega-3 Supplements

Taking enough omega-3 fatty acid supplements to change the balance of oils in the diet could slow a key biological process linked to aging, new research suggests…