Low selenium levels linked to liver cancer development

A new study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that the highest levels of blood selenium or of selenoprotein P, the protein that distributes selenium from the liver…

New study finds link between omega-3 supplementation and reduced hospital stays

Patients spent an average of 2.4 fewer days in hospital.A new meta-analysis published in Clinical Nutrition found that cardiac surgery patients who received omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids…

International Tree Nut Council supports meta-analysis on nuts and cardiovascular disease

In a study published yesterday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition*, researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials to investigate the effects of tree nuts…

High-fat dairy products linked to reduced type 2 diabetes risk

The findings, which have been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, are in line with previous studies of eating habits that indicated a link between high consumption of dairy…

High-fat dairy products linked to reduced type 2 diabetes risk

The findings, which have been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, are in line with previous studies of eating habits that indicated a link between high consumption of dairy…

New study finds that orange maize improves vitamin A in children

Just ahead of World Food Day, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has established that ‘orange’ vitamin A maize increases vitamin A storage in the body.

National Birth Defects Prevention Month underscores need for higher choline intake

Recent research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) found that during pregnancy, and particularly during the third trimester, large amounts of choline may be needed to support fetal development. Conclusions of the research revealed that current recommendations may be too low.

Appetite decreased by snacking on almonds, no increase in body weight

A new study published in the October issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that study participants eating 1.5 ounces of dry-roasted, lightly salted almonds every day experienced reduced hunger and improved dietary vitamin E and monounsaturated (“good”) fat intake without increasing body weight…

Brain Addiction To Fast Carbs Is Real, Imaging Study Shows

Highly processed carbohydrates can trigger the same brain mechanism associated with substance addiction, researchers from the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 26th, 2013 issue)…

Bacteria In Breast Milk Identified

Researchers from Spain have managed to identify all of the bacteria found in breast milk. The finding, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, reveals that there is much more microbial diversity in milk than expected, with there being more than 700 different types of bacteria.

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