Is the acrylamide in coffee harmful to health?

Coffee products that contain roasted beans contain small amounts of the compound acrylamide. There are concerns that acrylamide may be carcinogenic, but research suggests that coffee is generally safe to drink and may actually protect against a number of cancers and other conditions. Learn more here.

What are the benefits and uses of stinging nettle?

Stinging nettle is a popular home remedy for arthritis, seasonal allergies, and many other conditions. Learn about the benefits, side effects, and research around stinging nettle here.

Kola nut: Uses, benefits, and side effects

Learn more about the kola nut, including who should avoid taking it, how it can be used and the conditions it can benefit the most.

Ceylon cinnamon: Health benefits, uses, and more

Cinnamon is a widely-used spice in cooking, but Ceylon cinnamon may also help protect against diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and other conditions.

Adaptation to food deprivation as a clue for treating metabolic diseases

When people are deprived of food, a number of biological mechanisms are set in motion to adapt the body’s metabolism to the conditions of scarcity.

7 Natural Diuretics to Eat and Drink

Diuretics are a useful treatment for high blood pressure and other conditions. Learn about seven natural diuretics and their considerations here.

Sugar: should we eliminate it from our diet?

Sugar has been associated with obesity and diabetes, among other conditions. But while some health experts believe cutting it from our diet is the way forward, others disagree.

Link Discovered Between Formula-Feeding, Metabolic Stress And Increased Risk Of Later Disease

New evidence from research suggests that infants fed formula, rather than breast milk, experience metabolic stress that could play a part in the long-recognized link between formula-feeding and an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other conditions in adult life. The study appears in ACS’ Journal of Proteome Research…

In Seniors Over 75, Diet May Not Impact Certain Health Outcomes

Eating diets high in sugar and fat may not affect the health outcomes of older adults ages 75 and up, suggesting that placing people of such advanced age on overly restrictive diets to treat their excess weight or other conditions may have little benefit, according to researchers at Penn State and Geisinger Healthcare System…

Super-fruits: Tropical blueberries extremely high in healthful antioxidants, study suggests

The first analysis of the healthful antioxidant content of blueberries that grow wild in Mexico, Central and South America concludes that some of these fruits have even more healthful antioxidants than the blueberries — already renowned as “super fruits” — sold throughout the United States. These extreme super fruits could provide even more protection against heart disease, cancer and other conditions, the report suggests.

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