Low vitamin K may reduce mobility in older adults

Researchers found that older adults with vitamin K deficiency were more likely to develop mobility disability, such as difficulty walking and using stairs.

What diet is best for older adults?

Finding the best way for older adults to lose weight safely can be challenging. A new study may help guide nutritional decisions in this population.

Mediterranean diet nutrients tied with healthy brain aging

A study of older adults links blood markers of certain nutrients that are present in the Mediterranean diet to better cognition and brain connectivity.

Turmeric compound could boost memory and mood

A compound in the popular spice turmeric — called curcumin — has been found to improve the memory and mood of older adults in a new study.

Mediterranean-style diets linked to better brain function in older adults

Eating foods included in two healthy diets — the Mediterranean or the MIND diet — is linked to a lower risk for memory difficulties in older adults, according to a new study.

Yogurt consumption in older adults linked with better bone health

The largest observational study to date of dairy intakes and bone and frailty measurements in older adults has found that increased yogurt consumption was associated with a higher hip bone density…

Dementia risk reduced by eating ‘five-a-day’

Eating five portions of fruits and vegetables daily – in line with current recommendations – may reduce older adults’ risk of dementia, study finds.

Study links nutrition to brain health and intelligence in older adults

A study of older adults links consumption of a pigment found in leafy greens to the preservation of “crystallized intelligence,” the ability to use the skills and knowledge one has acquired over a…

How to spot elder abuse and neglect in the ER: Things are not always as they seem

When older adults in severely debilitated states show up for treatment in the emergency department, emergency physicians and staff must be able to identify and document their symptoms and decide…

Omega-3 fatty acids enhance cognitive flexibility in at-risk older adults

A study of older adults at risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease found that those who consumed more omega-3 fatty acids did better than their peers on tests of cognitive flexibility — the ability…

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