What foods are good for kidneys?

Foods that are beneficial for kidney health include dark leafy greens, berries, and apples. Foods to avoid include high-phosphorous foods. Learn more about foods that are good for the kidneys here.

Men who eat lots of fruits and vegetables have less memory loss

Consumption of orange juice, certain vegetables, leafy greens, and berry fruits is tied to less memory loss in a large group of men followed for 26 years.

How a small dietary change might keep your brain young

A new study has found a significant relationship between consuming higher levels of leafy greens and maintaining cognitive ability as we age.

Eat more leafy greens and whole grains to lower heart failure risk

Emerging research suggests that a predominantly plant-based diet of dark, leafy greens, beans, fruits, and whole grains may reduce heart failure risk.

Study links nutrition to brain health and intelligence in older adults

A study of older adults links consumption of a pigment found in leafy greens to the preservation of “crystallized intelligence,” the ability to use the skills and knowledge one has acquired over a…

What are the health benefits of spinach?

Popeye was definitely on to something. Spinach is a super food loaded with tons of nutrients in a low calorie package.Dark leafy greens like spinach are important for skin and hair, bone health, and provide protein, iron, vitamins and minerals.