Scientists to use microbes and methane to create sustainable Omega 3

Scientists are trying to find a new way to produce the nutritional fatty acids called Omega 3 that are currently sourced from fish oil from the world’s declining natural fish stocks.

Global shift in farmed fish feed may impact nutritional benefits ascribed to seafood

The fish-farming industry is increasing its use of plant-based ingredients in its feed and moving away from traditional feed made from fish, which could impact some of the health benefits of eating…

Better sleep linked with higher omega-3 levels in new study

Omega-3 fatty acids are most commonly derived from fish oils, including tuna and salmon, and they have been linked to numerous health benefits. But now, a new study suggests that having higher levels of omega-3 DHA is associated with better sleep.The researchers, from the University of Oxford in the UK, have published results of their study in the Journal of Sleep Research.

Eskimo Study Suggests Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fats May Reduce Risk Of Obesity-Related Disease

A study of Yup’ik Eskimos in Alaska, who on average consume 20 times more omega-3 fats from fish than people in the lower 48 states, suggests that a high intake of these fats helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease…

Mercury Exposure And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: Study Results

Although research has shown that eating fish, which is rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, mixed evidence from prior studies has suggested that mercury exposure from fish consumption may be linked to higher risk of cardiovascular diseases…

Mercury Exposure And Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: Study Results

Although research has shown that eating fish, which is rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, mixed evidence from prior studies has suggested that mercury exposure from fish consumption may be linked to higher risk of cardiovascular diseases…