Eating more green vegetables may aid heart health, reduce risk of obesity, diabetes

In three new studies, researchers from the UK find that nitrate – a chemical found in green vegetables – may aid heart health and reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Study determines whether eating blueberries really can help you see better in the dark

Blueberries are super stars among health food advocates, who tout the fruit for not only promoting heart health, better memory and digestion, but also for improving night vision.

What are the health benefits of grapefruit?

Find out about the potential health benefits of grapefruit including boosting weight loss, maintaining healthy blood pressure and heart health and combating free radicals.

What are the health benefits of eggplant?

Find out about the potential health benefits of eggplant, including supporting heart health, maintaining weight and blood cholesterol levels and exhibiting anti-cancer effects.

Tackling abdominal obesity with exercise and nutrition

Lifestyle programs focused on high-intensity interval training combined with nutritional counselling on the Mediterranean diet have shown dramatic results for improving the heart health of people with abdominal obesity, finds a study released at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress…

Grapes Lowered Blood Pressure, Improved Blood Flow And Reduced Inflammation In Men With Metabolic Syndrome

Consuming grapes may help protect heart health in people with metabolic syndrome, according to new research published in the Journal of Nutrition. Researchers observed a reduction in key risk factors for heart disease in men with metabolic syndrome: reduced blood pressure, improved blood flow and reduced inflammation…

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