Food labels we look for and what they really mean

Various agencies and organizations certify or approve foods, but what do their labels actually promise or guarantee?

Healthier Food Choices Impacted By Low Motivation And Attention, Not The Labeling Itself

The final results from the Food Labeling to Advance Better Education for Life (FLABEL) project, which provides the latest research on consumer behavior and nutrition labels, demonstrate that even though the nutritional information on European food labels is well understood, consumers lacking motivation and attention nevertheless prevent the labels from making a positive impact on food choices…

Taste, Price Lead Factors In Teen Eating Choices, Not Calories

Parents are always instructing kids to “read the labels.” However a new study basically states that it really doesn’t matter or affect what all kids and adults decide to consume. Labels are read yes, but people still eat what they want to eat, good for them or not

Always Read The Labels; In 2012 You Can On Meat And Poultry Products

Beginning in 2012, you will be able to read the nutritional information on your poultry and meat products. We, as the general public, are always told to “read the labels” and be informed about our consumption choices, and now important nutritional information will be readily available to consumers on 40 of the most popular cuts of meat and poultry products, according to the U.S…