Researchers test success of putting healthier snacks in Chicago park vending machines

Researchers from Northwestern University found that a program that replaced Chicago park vending machine choices with healthier snacks, led to increased monthly sales and positive feedback from…

Picking up healthy habits in your 30s and 40s can slash heart disease risk

The heart is more forgiving than you may think – especially to adults who try to take charge of their health, a new Northwestern Medicine® study has found.

Vitamin D Levels In Umbilical Cord Blood Found To Be Lower In Obese Mothers

Women who are obese at the start of their pregnancy may be passing on insufficient levels of vitamin D to their babies, according to a new Northwestern Medicine® study. The study found that babies born to lean mothers had a third higher amount of vitamin D compared to babies born to obese moms…

Just Making Two Lifestyle Changes Spurs Big And Lasting Results

Simply ejecting your rear from the couch means your hand will spend less time digging into a bag of chocolate chip cookies. That is the simple but profound finding of a new Northwestern Medicine study, which reports simply changing one bad habit has a domino effect on others…

People Who Go To Bed Late And Sleep Late Eat More Fast Food And Weigh More

Staying up late every night and sleeping in is a habit that could put you at risk for gaining weight. People who go to bed late and sleep late eat more calories in the evening, more fast food, fewer fruits and vegetables and weigh more than people who go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study…

Prostate Cancer Spread May Be Halted By Soy

Northwestern Medicine researchers at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University have found that a new, nontoxic drug made from a chemical in soy could prevent the movement of cancer cells from the prostate to the rest of the body…