Atherosclerosis: Skipping breakfast may double risk

Those who eat little or nothing at all at the start of the day have double the risk of atherosclerosis compared with those who eat a high-energy breakfast.

Sugary drinks sales down by 12% in Mexico after new tax

A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages implemented in Mexico at the start of 2014 has significantly decreased purchases of the sugary drinks, which contribute to obesity.

Smart snacking for back to school

With the start of the school year around the corner, now is the perfect time for parents to ramp up efforts at infusing their kids’ lunches with creative, healthy options. “You don’t have to completely cut back on snacks and sugars to ensure that your child eats a well-balanced meal,” explains Dr…

Vitamin D Levels In Umbilical Cord Blood Found To Be Lower In Obese Mothers

Women who are obese at the start of their pregnancy may be passing on insufficient levels of vitamin D to their babies, according to a new Northwestern Medicine® study. The study found that babies born to lean mothers had a third higher amount of vitamin D compared to babies born to obese moms…

Gerber Baby Foods Recalled Because Of Strange Smell

The FDA and the Gerber Products Company yesterday announced the recall and replacement of Gerber Good Start Gentle powdered infant formula, in 23.2 ounce plastic packaging. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) wrote on its website that the recall is limited to batch GPX1684, expiring on March 5th, 2013

FDA Grants First-Ever Qualified Health Claim In Infant Nutrition

Gerber Products Company, a part of the Nestlé family, has announced that Gerber® Good Start® milk-based formulas are the first and only infant formulas that meet the criteria for a qualified health claim. Specifically, the FDA concluded that current scientific evidence is appropriate for consideration of a qualified health claim relating to a reduced risk of atopic dermatitis…

Fad Dieters Risk Dieting Themselves Fatter, Australia

To mark the start of the new year, thousands of Australian women give fad diets a go to try and shift unwanted Christmas kilos. But according to dietitians, fad diets are not only unhealthy, but often dangerous. According to the Dietitians Association of Australia, there are plenty of fad diets to choose from: lemon detox, Atkins, cabbage soup…