Customizing vitamin D supplements to the individual would ensure benefits are felt

Vitamin D supplements are less effective at raising vitamin D levels in pregnant women if they deliver their babies in the winter, have low levels of vitamin D early in pregnancy or gain more…

Morning sickness linked to lower risk of pregnancy loss

Although morning sickness can significantly impact a pregnant woman’s life, new research shows that it could signify a healthy pregnancy.

Vitamin D levels in pregnant women could be linked to some learning disabilities in children

Learning disabilities are more common in children who were conceived between January and March – the time of year when there is insufficient sunlight to produce vitamin D – according to a new study…

Iron deficiency puts a third of pregnant women at risk of complications

New research finds around 35 percent of pregnant women have iron deficiency, increasing their risk of pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage.

Are vitamin supplements for pregnant women a waste of money?

Nutritional supplements are widely marketed to pregnant women. A review asks whether scientific research backs up the relatively high cost of these pills.

High-fat diet in pregnancy can affect three future generations

New mouse study shows that pups, grand pups, and great-grand pups of mothers fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet during pregnancy developed metabolic problems.

Proper maternal folate level may reduce child obesity risk

NIH-funded study suggests an optimal level for pregnant women, particularly those who are obese.

Prenatal fruit consumption boosts babies’ cognitive development

Study discovers previously unknown benefits of fruit consumption in expectant mothers.Most people have heard the old adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Putting the spotlight on folic acid supplementation in pregnancy

Future Science Group (FSG) has announced the publication of a new article in Future Science OA, reviewing national and international guidelines for folic acid supplementation, and analyzing its…

Couples’ caffeine intake before pregnancy may affect miscarriage risk

Couples who consume more than two caffeinated drinks daily in the weeks leading up to conception may be at greater risk of miscarriage than those who drink less caffeine.

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