Keto diet: A ‘cheat day’ may undo benefits and damage blood vessels

New research suggests that people should not follow the ketogenic diet for 6 days and then take a day off, as a ‘cheat day’ may offset the benefits.

What are the health benefits of guava?

Guava is a traditional remedy for a variety of ailments.

How yo-yo dieting impacts women’s heart health

New research suggests that significant fluctuations in weight may negatively affect a woman’s ability to control her heart disease risk factors.

What are the health benefits of xylitol?

Xylitol has fewer calories and a lower glycemic index than sugar, making it an attractive sweetener for people with diabetes and those trying to lose weight. Some research suggests that it may also have benefits for dental health and ear infections, as well as antioxidant properties. Learn more about xylitol here.

How common are food allergies, really?

Millions of adults in the United States believe that they have a food allergy, but new research suggests that only around half of them actually do.

Why a low-gluten diet may benefit everyone

New research suggests that a diet low in gluten may benefit health, even for people who do not have celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Why a low-carb diet can help you lose weight and keep it off

New research suggests that a diet low in carbs may help people burn more calories, lose weight, and maintain the weight loss in the long run.

Can fermented dairy shield you against heart disease?

Whether or not dairy is good for health has become a controversial topic. New research suggests that fermented dairy may protect the heart.

Seafood rich in omega-3 may promote healthy aging

New research suggests that people who consume high levels of omega-3 fatty acids from seafood are more likely to stay disease-free well into old age.

Eating crickets may benefit your gut health, scientists say

Have you ever been curious about introducing insects into your diet? New research suggests that eating crickets could help boost your gut health.

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