How Not To Put On Weight During Thanksgiving – 15 Useful Suggestions

Nutritionists estimate that the average Thanksgiving meal ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 calories. If our daily needs should not exceed between 1,600 to 2,400 calories, it is not surprising that people complain about weight gain during the holidays. However, it is not the meal’s core that makes you put on the pounds, but rather the nice trimmings and goodies that come with it…

Thousands of lives could be saved if rest of UK adopted average diet in England, study concludes

Around 4,000 deaths could be prevented every year if the UK population adopted the average diet eaten in England, new research concludes.

The Largest And Most Affordable Source Of Potassium Is In Potatoes

A frequently expressed concern in the ongoing public health debate is that fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are nutrient dense, are not affordable to the average consumer…

Bananas! Eating Healthy Will Cost You; Potassium Alone $380 Per Year

A new study from the journal Health Affairs finds that healthy eating can be an expensive proposition. For example, adding potassium to the diet can tack on $380 per year to the average consumer’s food costs, the study found. It is the wealthiest consumers that are able to most closely meet the guidelines…

Number Of Daily Meals And Snacks Contributes Most To Increase In Kilocalories Consumed By US Adults

The energy density of food and drink, portion size, and the number of meals and snacks per day have all been linked to increases in the average daily total energy intake of US adults over the past 30 years, but increases in the number of eating occasions and in portion size have accounted for most of this increase: energy density of food consumed may have actually slightly decreased…

FDA Wants YOUR Input On New Restaurant, Vending Calorie Label Recos

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have made it available for you to provide input on the new caloric recommendations it has made this week concerning fast food chains and vending machines. See below for how you can be a part of the proposed new rules that can educate your decisions as you try to stick to the on the average recommended 2,000 calorie a day intake…

For Kids, Healthy Eating Starts At Home, According To GfK MRI

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to healthy habits, according to GfK MRI’s American Kids Study and its supplemental Parents Study. According to newly released data, parents who purchase low-calorie or organic foods and parents who don’t keep junk food at home have children who are more likely than the average child to express healthy eating-related attitudes…

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