Trichinosis Parasite Gets DNA Decoded

Scientists have decoded the DNA of the parasitic worm that causes trichinosis, a disease linked to eating raw or undercooked pork or carnivorous wild game animals, such as bear and walrus. After analyzing the genome, investigators at Washington University School of Medicine in St…

Fiber Intake Level Key In Warding Off Death

People who ate a high-fiber diet decreased their risk of dying over a nine year period compared to those who ate less fiber. Eating a diet rich in fiber has long been known to help keep your digestive tract working properly. It’s also thought to lower the risk of heart disease, some cancers and diabetes…

Advances In Genomics And Computing Transforming Plant Breeding

The arrival of affordable, high throughput DNA sequencing, coupled with improved bioinformatics and statistical analyses is bringing about major advances in the field of molecular plant breeding…

Human Health Impacts Possible Within 30 Years According To Climate Projections

New studies demonstrate potential increases in waterborne toxins and microbes A panel of scientists speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) unveiled new research and models demonstrating how climate change could increase exposure and risk of human illness originating from ocean, coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems, with…

Boys Who Are High-Caffeine Consumers Get Greater Rush From Caffeine Than Girls, Report Improved Sport Performance

Among the many differences between girls and boys, add the effects from caffeine – physiological, behavioral and subjective – to the list. Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-response study of the response of youth to caffeine found that, in general, boys get a greater rush and more energy from caffeine than girls…

Solving The World’s Food Problems Will Require Multiple Approaches

Researchers need to use all available resources in an integrated approach to put agriculture on a path to solve the world’s food problems while reducing pollution, according to a Penn State biologist. Changes in national and international regulations will be necessary to achieve this goal…

Evidence-Based Nutrition Guidelines Needed For Cancer Survivors

Cancer survivors die of non-cancer-related causes at much higher rates than the general public.

Improving Calcium Supplement With The Help OF Crustaceans

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers have developed a unique technology that stabilizes an otherwise unstable form of calcium carbonate. This mineral form provides significantly higher biological absorption and retention rates than other sources presently used as dietary calcium supplements…

How Do Consumers Respond To Portion Information On Food And Drink Labels?

The European Food Information Council (EUFIC), in collaboration with researchers at the University of Surrey, UK, has published the results of its latest European nutrition labelling consumer research now focusing on portion information. Portion information is often included on food and drink labels but little is known about how consumers interpret and use this information…

Link Between Obesity, High-Fat Meals And Heart Disease Reinforced By Study

The effect of a high-fat meal on blood vessel walls can vary among individuals depending on factors such as their waist size and triglyceride levels, suggests new research at UC Davis. The new research reinforces the link between belly fat, inflammation and thickening of the arterial linings that can lead to heart disease and strokes…

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