Coffee Drinking Tied To Urinary Incontinence In Men

Men who consume about two cups of coffee a day, or the equivalent amount of caffeine, are significantly more likely to have urinary incontinence or a “leaky bladder” than men who drink less or none at all, according to new research from the US. Senior author Alayne D…

Potential Schizophrenia Prevention Through Choline Supplementation During Pregnancy

Choline, an essential nutrient similar to the B vitamin and found in foods such as liver, muscle meats, fish, nuts and eggs, when given as a dietary supplement in the last two trimesters of pregnancy and in early infancy, is showing a lower rate of physiological schizophrenic risk factors in infants 33 days old…

Increase In Uptake Of Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program In 2011

In 2011, 13 percent of all American households relied on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — the program formerly known as food stamps – with nearly 6.2 million more American households using the program now than five years ago, according to new research from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire…