Fast food diet linked to asthma and eczema severity in kids, large study finds

Eating three or more weekly servings of fast food is linked to the severity of allergic asthma, eczema, and rhinitis among children in the developed world, indicates a large international study.

Bacteria Breakthrough For Safer Food

Chicken meat and other foods will be able to be screened for bacteria even faster and more effectively than ever, thanks to breakthrough nanobiotechnology research…

In Seniors Over 75, Diet May Not Impact Certain Health Outcomes

Eating diets high in sugar and fat may not affect the health outcomes of older adults ages 75 and up, suggesting that placing people of such advanced age on overly restrictive diets to treat their excess weight or other conditions may have little benefit, according to researchers at Penn State and Geisinger Healthcare System…

Vitamin D Levels In Children Most Likely Determined By Supplements Taken And Consumption Of Cow’s Milk

Taking a vitamin D supplement and drinking cow’s milk are the two most important factors that determine how much vitamin D is in a child’s body, new research has found. Those factors play a bigger role than even skin colour and exposure to the sun, according to Dr

Giving Up Sugar Has A Small But Significant Impact On Body Weight

Decreasing sugar consumption has a small but meaningful impact on body weight in adults. The finding, published online in the BMJ, established that although the impact is somewhat small (an average of 0…

Nations That Consume A Lot Of Milk….Also Win A Lot Of Nobel Prizes

Milk is a good brain food, but it could just reflect a strong educational system Nations that consume a lot of milk and milk products also tend to have a lot of Nobel laureates among their populations, suggest the authors of a letter, published in Practical Neurology…