Most Kids’ Meals At Restaurant Chains Are Unhealthy

Most of the kids’ meals offered at chain restaurants in the U.S.

Bacterial Species On Fresh Produce Vary With Produce Type, Farming Practices

Fresh fruit and vegetables carry an abundance of bacteria on their surfaces, not all of which cause disease. In the first study to assess the variety of these non-pathogenic bacteria, scientists report that these surface bacteria vary depending on the type of produce and cultivation practices…

Children With Better-Educated Parents Generally Benefit From A Healthier Diet

The level of education of parents has an influence on the frequency with which their children eat foods linked to obesity. The children of parents with low and medium levels of education eat fewer vegetables and fruit and more processed products and sweet drinks…

Novel Screening Procedure For Accurately Determining The Amount Of Animal, Plant, And Microbial Substances In Foods

Almost all foodstuffs contain the genetic material of those animal and plant species that were used in their preparation…