Higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure, triglycerides, study shows

A higher fat DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet lowered blood pressure to the same extent as the DASH diet, but also reduced triglycerides and did not significantly raise LDL cholesterol, scientists report at the conclusion of their study.

Bacterial Species On Fresh Produce Vary With Produce Type, Farming Practices

Fresh fruit and vegetables carry an abundance of bacteria on their surfaces, not all of which cause disease. In the first study to assess the variety of these non-pathogenic bacteria, scientists report that these surface bacteria vary depending on the type of produce and cultivation practices…

Improving Heart Health With Hot Pepper Compound

The food that inspires wariness is on course for inspiring even more wonder from a medical standpoint as scientists report the latest evidence that chili peppers are a heart-healthy food with potential to protect against the No. 1 cause of death in the developed world…