Vitamin D levels during pregnancy linked to offspring muscle strength

New research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism suggests that mothers who have a higher intake of vitamin D during pregnancy are more likely to have children with stronger muscles.Vitamin D is known to help regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the bloodstream, as well as help cells to communicate.

Overweight and obesity in developing countries ‘alarming’

The ‘alarming’ rise in overweight and obese adults in developing countries is growing into a huge public health burden, says one of the authors of a new report from a UK think tank.

Dietary fibers protect against asthma, study suggests

The Western diet probably has more to do with the asthma epidemic than has been assumed so far, because developing asthma is related to the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed.

Dietary fiber reduces asthma

A high-fiber diet reduces the severity of allergic airway disease, including decreased lung inflammation, in mice according to a study published online in Nature Medicine. These findings highlight how diet can influence immune cell development and disease outside of the gut.