DASH diet can substitute lean pork for chicken or fish to reduce blood pressure

Adults who are following the DASH-style eating pattern to lower their blood pressure can expand their protein options to include lean, unprocessed pork, according to research. This study applies only to cuts of unprocessed lean pork, such as tenderloin and fresh, uncured ham trimmed of visible fat.

Study: DASH diet can substitute lean pork for chicken or fish to reduce blood pressure

Adults who are following the DASH-style eating pattern to lower their blood pressure can expand their protein options to include lean, unprocessed pork, according to research from Purdue University.

Researchers develop novel ketone supplements to enhance non-toxic cancer therapy

A team of researchers from the Hyperbaric Biomedical Research Laboratory at the University of South Florida (USF) doubled survival time in an aggressive metastatic cancer model using a novel…

Diet or exercise programs in pregnancy lower certain risks

Major weight gain in pregnancy is linked to several conditions, but a new review suggests antenatal diet or exercise interventions prevent excessive weight gain and decrease risks.

Breast milk shared to help babies via online and offline communities

Sharing breast milk to feed babies is a practice dating back millennia, and the Internet has facilitated the process creating some surprising exchanges.

Nuts, peanuts linked to reduced risk of death from cancer, other diseases

A new study finds consuming half a handful of peanuts or nuts daily could reduce the risk of death from cancer, respiratory diseases, diabetes, among a number of other conditions.