Dietary guidelines for Americans shouldn’t place limits on total fat intake

Researchers call on the American federal government to drop restrictions on total fat consumption in the forthcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Dietary guidelines for Americans shouldn’t place limits on total fat intake

Researchers call on the American federal government to drop restrictions on total fat consumption in the forthcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Diets high in fat, sugar may reduce cognitive functioning by altering gut bacteria

Researchers from Oregon State University found that mice fed diets high in fat or sugar experienced gut bacteria changes associated with reduced cognitive functioning.

Researchers identify gene that controls soybean seed permeability, calcium content

Purdue University researchers have pinpointed the gene that controls whether soybean seed coats are hard or permeable, a finding that could be used to develop better varieties for southern and…

Parkinson: risk of illness is one-third lower in coffee consumers

Coffee consumers seem to be better protected against the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease than non-coffee drinkers.

Over two-thirds of Americans estimated to be overweight, obese

New estimates suggest that more than two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.

Is yogurt good for you?

Yogurt is a simple pleasure packed with nutrients, good bacteria, and is a great way to boost protein levels. However, do all yogurts prove to be a healthy choice?