Diet tips for managing ankylosing spondylitis

What foods and nutrients are beneficial for ankylosing spondylitis and what foods should be avoided? What supplements are recommended?

Eating more fiber may lower risk of osteoarthritis

A new meta-analysis of two large cohort studies finds a link between a high intake of fiber and painful osteoarthritis of the knee.

Vitamin D supplements could improve fertility

New data on the link between vitamin D and male fertility has been presented at the European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE) in Lisbon.

Chocolate may cut risk of irregular heartbeat by a fifth

A little bit of what you fancy really does do you good; researchers say that moderate chocolate intake may reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation.

Just one small glass of wine per day increases breast cancer risk

A new report examines breast cancer risk factors and finds that the equivalent of a daily small glass of wine or beer increases the risk significantly.

Avoid fruit juice up to the age of 1 year, say the AAP

Fruit juice offers no nutritional benefit for infants under the age of 1 year and should be avoided, say the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Does moderate drinking really protect against heart disease?

A new review finds the existing research to be biased and suggests that moderate drinking does not stave off heart disease after all.

Does moderate drinking really protect against heart disease?

A new review finds the existing research to be biased and suggests that moderate drinking does not stave off heart disease after all.

Mindful eating may help people lose weight, study finds

A program designed to help people manage their weight finds that being more mindful about preparing and eating food can be an effective aid to weight loss.

Eating more fruits and vegetables may lower risk of blockages in leg arteries

Eating three or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day may lower your risk of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD), according to new research in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular…

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