How much fiber should I eat per day?

Most Americans eat less fiber than the USDA daily recommendations suggest. This article looks at the guidelines for fiber intake in men, women, and children

Is it bad to eat ice?

Some people like to chew on ice cubes, but it can cause some complications, including dental problems. Compulsive ice eating is a psychological issue, but it is also a sign of some medical conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia. A doctor can determine the reason for ice cravings and provide appropriate treatment.

What are the causes and symptoms of chronic gastritis?

Gastritis is a widespread condition where the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed.

Is butter good or bad for cholesterol?

Many people believe that butter is bad for their cholesterol levels because it is high in cholesterol. However, some research suggests that dietary cholesterol does not directly cause high blood cholesterol. It is still best to limit butter in the diet as it contains lots of saturated fat