Can diet improve a person’s vaginal health?

Eating certain nutrients as part of a healthful diet may help keep the vagina healthy, prevent infections, or improve vaginal conditions. Learn more here.

Best supplements for lowering blood pressure

Some people take dietary supplements to help reduce high blood pressure. Do these supplements work, and are they safe?

Walnuts may be good for the gut and help promote heart health

Researchers found that eating walnuts daily as part of a healthy diet was associated with increases in certain bacteria that can help promote health. Additionally, those changes in gut bacteria were associated with improvements in some risk factors for heart disease.

Full liquid diet: Everything you need to know

A doctor may recommend a full liquid diet for a short time for people with certain medical conditions. Learn more about what to eat and avoid on the full liquid diet here.

January 16, 2020 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , , , , ,