One egg per day may keep stroke at bay

Eating eggs might lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. At least, this is what a new, large-scale study from China now suggests.

Plasma technology can be tapped to kill biofilms on perishable fruit, foods

Seeing fruit “turn bad and going to waste” inspired a team of researchers in China to explore using atmospheric pressure nonequilibrium plasma – already widely used for medical purposes – as a…

Eating fresh fruits daily may reduce your risk of cardiovascular death

A study of more than half a million adults in China found that eating fresh fruits every day lowered the risks of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death.

Fresh fruit associated with lower risk of heart attack and stroke

People who eat fresh fruit on most days are at lower risk of heart attack and stroke than people who rarely eat fresh fruit, according to new research. The findings come from a seven-year study of half a million adults in China, where fresh fruit consumption is much lower than in countries like the UK or US.

Salt and sodium intake remains high in China

Yongning Wu, Ph.D., of the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, China, and colleagues compared salt and sodium consumption in China in 2000 with 2009-2012.

What are the health benefits of kiwis (kiwifruit)?

The kiwifruit, native to northern China, was first brought to and cultivated in New Zealand at the turn of the 20th century and was then known as the Chinese Gooseberry.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Green tea, native to China and India, has been consumed and hailed for its health benefits for centuries globally, but has only recently gained popularity in the US.It is considered the most consumed beverage in the world behind water, however 78% of the tea consumed worldwide is black and only about 20% is green.

Link Between Higher Soy Intake Prior To Lung Cancer Diagnosis And Longer Survival In Women

New results from a large observational follow-up study conducted in Shanghai, China, indicate that women with lung cancer who consumed more soy food prior to their cancer diagnosis lived longer than those who consumed less soy. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, provides the first scientific evidence that soy intake has a favorable effect on lung cancer survival…

Asia Pacific Region Hit By Creeping Epidemic Of Obesity

Over eating, sedentary lifestyles, cultural attitudes, and lack of prevention programmes are to blame for the rising epidemic of obesity in the Asia Pacific region.

Could Rural Environment Protect Against Food Allergy?

The prevalence of food allergy may be lower in rural areas versus more urban areas, according to new research from China presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). “Studies have shown that a rural environment is protective against the development of asthma…

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