Once-a-Day Grapefruit Study Sees Marked Impact On Health Indicators

Eating one grapefruit every day for as little as two weeks can noticeably improve appearance and overall vitality, according to a new trial carried out in the UK…

Once-a-Day Grapefruit Study Sees Marked Impact On Health Indicators

Eating one grapefruit every day for as little as two weeks can noticeably improve appearance and overall vitality, according to a new trial carried out in the UK…

What Is Folic Acid? What Is Vitamin B9?

Folic acid is a form of the water-soluble vitamin B9. Water soluble means it dissolves in water.

What Is Vitamin B5? What Is Pantothenic Acid?

Pantothenic acid, also known as Vitamin B5, and Pantothenate is a water-soluble vitamin from the B group of vitamins. Water soluble means that this vitamin dissolves in water. It runs through the bloodstream and is excreted in urine.

Planning Your Success Is Best Way For New Year’s Resolution To Last

Breaking down your New Year’s weight loss resolutions into small, manageable tasks you can work on every day is the best road to success. “Instead of making the number on the scale the focus, look for other ways to find to measure success,” said Stefanie C.

Three-Quarters Of All Kids Have Caffeine Regularly, This Could Undermine Their Sleep

75% of all children consume caffeine every day, a nutritional habit which could have a negative effect on their sleep, researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center wrote in the Journal of Pediatrics. As background information, the investigators wrote that caffeine consumption is frequently blamed for bedwetting and sleep problems…

Less Refined, More Whole Grains Linked To Lower Body Fat

US researchers found that people who every day eat several servings of whole grains and limit intake of refined grains have less visceral adipose tissue or VAT, a type of body fat believed to trigger cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes…

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