Heart failure patients and their families helped to reduce salt intake with electronic monitoring device

Using an electronic monitoring device may help heart failure patients and their families stick to a low-salt diet, according to research presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific…

Child Obesity Not Prevented By Parent Diet Choice Knowledge

A study of the families of 150 preschoolers suggests that parents of healthy-weight and overweight preschoolers are generally well aware of dietary risk factors that fuel childhood obesity…

Mothers On Low-Income Risk Obesity To Feed Their Children

Mothers who financially struggle to provide food for their families tend to put themselves at risk for obesity while trying to feed their children, according to Penn State sociologists…

Diet For Retired Military Personnel Reduces Medical Costs

According to a report published online in Preventive Medicine, a weight management intervention designed for military members who are inactive and retired, and their families, could improve their health in addition to lowering medical expenditures…

Family Eating Together Better For Children’s Health And Body Weight Control

Children who regularly sit down with their families to eat tend to enjoy better health, have a considerably lower risk of becoming obese, and develop healthy eating habits, researchers from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign revealed in the journal Pediatrics. Regularly means at least three meals per week…

Regular Family Meals Are A Body Blow To Childhood Obesity

According to the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), children who regularly eat meals with their families eat more fruit, vegetables, whole grains and calcium-rich foods, and drink fewer soft drinks than other children their age. DAA Spokesperson Lisa Renn said: ‘Family meals encourage slower eating, compared with grab-and-go meals…

IBM Employee-Wellness Program Shows Some Success For Kids

Reuters: “In 2008, IBM launched an Internet-based ‘children’s rebate program’ that let employees and their families choose from a selection of goals revolving around healthy eating, group physical activity, reduced ‘screen time’ and positive parental role-modeling. A $150 check was offered as incentive to complete the 12-week program. …