Eating mushrooms might reduce prostate cancer risk

A new study concludes that men who regularly eat mushrooms have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who rarely eat mushrooms.

Geophagy: Eating soil could harm babies

Up to 80% of people in Africa, especially women, regularly eat clayey soil – this habit is known as geophagy.

Eating Dried Plums Really Helps Prevent Osteoporosis And Fractures

Postmenopausal women who regularly eat dried plums have a considerably lower risk of developing osteoporosis or fractures compared to other women of the same age, researchers from Florida State University reported in the British Journal of Nutrition. The authors describe the regular consumption of dried plums as a “simple, proactive solution to help prevent fractures and osteoporosis…

Broiled Or Baked Fish Lowers Heart Failure Risk – Fried Fish Raises Risk

Postmenopausal women who regularly eat broiled or baked fish have a 30% lower risk of heart failure compared to women who very rarely or never consume broiled/baked fish, while regular eaters of fried fish have a higher risk, researchers revealed in the journal Circulation – Heart Failure…

Broiled Or Baked Fish Lowers Heart Failure Risk – Fried Fish Raises Risk

Postmenopausal women who regularly eat broiled or baked fish have a 30% lower risk of heart failure compared to women who very rarely or never consume broiled/baked fish, while regular eaters of fried fish have a higher risk, researchers revealed in the journal Circulation – Heart Failure…

Regular Family Meals Are A Body Blow To Childhood Obesity

According to the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA), children who regularly eat meals with their families eat more fruit, vegetables, whole grains and calcium-rich foods, and drink fewer soft drinks than other children their age. DAA Spokesperson Lisa Renn said: ‘Family meals encourage slower eating, compared with grab-and-go meals…