People Underestimate Number Of Calories They Eat At Fast Food Chains

A new report in the BMJ has revealed that people are seriously underestimating the number of calories they are consuming at fast food restaurants. Teenagers are particularly unaware of their calorie intake with most of them assuming that the meals contain more than one third fewer calories than they actually have…

40 Percent Of 9-18 Year Olds Use Calorie Information In Fast Food Restaurants When Making Food Choices

A new study published online in the Journal of Public Health has found that of young people who visited fast food or chain restaurants in the U.S. in 2010, girls and youth who were obese were more likely to use calorie information given in the restaurants to inform their food choices…

Proximity Of Fast Food Restaurants Has Impact On Body Mass Index Of Low Income African-Americans

African-American adults living closer to a fast food restaurant had a higher body mass index (BMI) than those who lived further away from fast food, according to researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and this association was particularly strong among those with a lower income…

Do Healthier Fast Food Options Exist?

Can you really go into a Subway, which calls itself the “healthy” fast food restaurant, and eat a healthy meal?

Is There A Healthy Fast Food Option?

Subway may promote itself as the “healthy” fast food restaurant, but it might not be a much healthier alternative than McDonald’s for adolescents, according to new UCLA research. In a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, the researchers found that adolescents who purchased Subway meals consumed nearly as many calories as they did at McDonald’s…

Fast Food Restaurants Modestly Improving Nutritional Quality Of Food

Fast food restaurants are major contributors to the ever-growing heart disease and diabetes epidemic in the U.S.A. Close to a quarter of Americans go to fast food restaurants at least twice a week.

Fast food diet linked to asthma and eczema severity in kids, large study finds

Eating three or more weekly servings of fast food is linked to the severity of allergic asthma, eczema, and rhinitis among children in the developed world, indicates a large international study.

Menus Showing Miles Plus Calories Help People Choose Healthier Meals

A new US study that explores the effect of menu information on people’s choice of fast food meals finds they tend to choose healthier options when shown not only the calories they contain, but also how many miles they would have to walk to burn off those calories…

Breakfast Sandwich Gives ‘Fast Food’ A Whole New Meaning: Study Finds That Just 1 High-Fat Meal Can Affect Your Heart Health

Eat a breakfast sandwich and your body will be feeling the ill effects well before lunch – now that’s fast food! High-fat diets are associated with developing atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries) over a lifetime…

Consuming Fast Food Increases Risk Of Diabetes And Heart Disease In Singapore

The dangers of fast food are well documented; the portions are often larger and the food is generally high in calories and low in nutrients. Now, University of Minnesota School of Public Health researchers have examined the eating habits of residents in Singapore and found new evidence that a diet heavy in fast food increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease…

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