This is how a single high-fat meal can lead to heart disease

Only 4 hours after consumption, a single super-high-fat meal alters red blood cells in a way that endangers cardiovascular health, a new study finds.

Could coffee stop clogged arteries?

Researchers have found that drinking at least three cups of coffee every day may prevent calcium from building up in the coronary arteries.

How vitamin D protects against heart failure

Vitamin D has been found to protect the heart against heart failure following a heart attack. Now, a new study describes how this might work.

Eating cheese every day may help to protect heart health

Eating 40 grams of cheese every day could help to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, suggests a new observational study.

Got the night munchies? Beware diabetes and heart disease

Emerging research suggests that eating late in the evening can increase susceptibility to heart disease and diabetes, putting ‘night owls’ at risk.

Meditation may help to lower heart disease risk

The AHA conclude that meditation may be useful to help lower the risk of heart disease, but that it should be used with other heart-healthy interventions.

Too much salt may double your chances of heart failure

A new study finds a strong correlation between a high individual salt intake and the risk of heart failure over a period of 12 years.

15 natural ways to lower your blood pressure

High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke. Here are 15 simple ways you can lower your blood pressure naturally, without medication.

Heart failure risk may be affected by weight gain

Researchers find that weight gain may overstrain the heart muscle, which, in time, could lead to heart failure.

Unhealthful plant-based diet can increase heart disease risk

Plant-based diets can prevent the onset of heart disease, but eating unwholesome plant foods can have the opposite effect, researchers find.

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