Biomarkers could predict which diets are best for weight loss

Fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin levels could help to identify which diets are most effective for weight loss, a new study suggests.

Barley ‘reduces appetite and improves metabolism’

Study participants who ate barley kernel bread for 3 days had improved metabolisms for up to 14 hours and decreased blood sugar and insulin levels, researchers say.

Higher insulin is an independent prognostic factor in advanced breast cancer: patients may be helped by simple lifestyle changes

Patients with breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastasised) and who have higher insulin levels than normal, but are not diabetic, have a significantly worse prognosis…

Food order has significant impact on glucose and insulin levels

Eating protein and vegetables before carbohydrates leads to lower post-meal glucose and insulin levels in obese patients with type 2 diabetes, Weill Cornell Medical College researchers found in a…

What are the health benefits of chickpeas?

Find out about the potential health benefits of chickpeas including improved glucose levels, lipids and insulin levels for diabetes, maintaining bone strength and heart health.

Breast Cancer Prevention – Part Time Low Carb Diet Better Than Standard Full Time Diets

Women who go on a low carb diet just two days per week have a lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who follow a standard calorie-restricted diet every day of the week, in order to lose weight and lower their insulin blood levels.