Even naturally sweet drinks may increase diabetes risk

A new study has found that sweet drinks with and without added sugar, as well as ‘diet’-type soft drinks are associated with an increase in diabetes risk.

October 4, 2019 · by  · in Nutritional News · Tags: , ,

What is the impact of cooked vs. raw food on the gut?

A new study in mice and humans confirms that cooked meals affect the gut microbiome differently from raw foods, which may have health implications.

You don’t have to go cold turkey on red meat to see health benefits

A new study has found that halving the amount red and processed (RPM) meat in the diet can have a significant impact on health, reducing the amount of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood which cuts the risk of developing heart disease.

US diet still contains too many low quality carbs

Refined grains, added sugar, and other low quality carbs still account for 42% of daily calories in the typical diet of U.S. adults, a new study finds.

Eating mushrooms might reduce prostate cancer risk

A new study concludes that men who regularly eat mushrooms have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who rarely eat mushrooms.

Vegetarian heart health: Study identifies benefits and risks

A new study concludes that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of ischemic heart disease. It also finds a small but surprising increased risk of stroke.

Simple dietary changes may reduce cancer risk, increase lifespan

The health benefits of fruit and vegetables are partly due to flavonoids. A new study concludes that consuming more flavonoids each day may extend life.

How diet can alter the gut, leading to insulin resistance

A new study looks to mice and humans to find out more about the mechanisms through which diet can lead to insulin resistance, a key feature of diabetes.

Sesame allergy affects more than 1 million people in the US

A new study suggests that sesame allergy is more common in the United States than previously thought and calls for food labeling to include sesame.

Replacing ‘beef with chicken’ could reduce breast cancer risk

The role of nutrition in cancer is a hot topic. A new study concludes that red meat increases the risk of breast cancer, but poultry may reduce risk.

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