Does coconut oil promote weight loss?

Many people claim that adding coconut oil to the diet can help promote weight loss. However, these claims tend to rely on studies that investigated medium-chain triglycerides oils rather than coconut oil itself

Does the alkaline diet work?

Some people claim that the alkaline diet helps with weight loss and disease, but there are few studies to back up these claims. Learn more about the alkaline diet, as well as foods to eat on it, here.

What are the pros and cons of a juice cleanse?

Juice cleanses involve consuming only juice for a few days. Some people claim that they can aid weight loss and detoxify the body, but the evidence is scarce. Learn about the pros and cons here.

Lemon water 101: What are the benefits of drinking it?

Many people claim that drinking lemon water has powerful health benefits. This article examines the benefits and myths related to lemon water.