Rewarding children with food could lead to emotional eating

Parents who use very overly controlling feeding practices with their children, such as using food as a reward or a treat, could be unintentionally teaching their children to rely on food to deal…

Feel guilty after dining out? Maybe you should have paid more

Researchers found that diners who paid a lower price for an all-you-can-eat buffet reported greater feelings of guilt and fullness after eating than those who paid a higher price.

Breaking bread with colleagues boosts productivity

Plenty of companies invest big money to provide their employees with upscale workplace eateries or at least catered meals. But are those companies getting a good return on their investment?

Food prices influence how we judge food quality

How we rate the taste and overall quality of foods may be largely dependent on the price we pay for them, according to new research.

Peak-end pizza: Higher prices mean first impressions count

How does price impact your evaluation of a restaurant meal? Psychologists have long thought that we judge experiences based on their most intense moment (the peak) and the last part of the experience…

Eat vanilla yogurt, be happy, says research

Psychological tests to measure emotions around food show that vanilla makes people feel happy, and surprising tastes can change a person’s mood.

When does an image become a health claim?

Images on food and dietary supplement packaging might lead people – appropriately or inappropriately – to infer the health benefits of those products.

Stress found to influence brain networks and reduce self-control

Researchers have investigated the influence that stress can have on self-control, examining the changes occurring in the brain that could contribute to this.

Paying people incentives to make healthy choices only works in the long term if they are paid to NOT do something

Monetary incentives to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles only work in the longer term when they are designed to stop negative behaviour, rather than promote positive choices, suggests…

Study highlights the importance of a balanced diet for mental health

An international study involving the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Valencia, recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry, highlights the importance of nutrition for…

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