What are the benefits of cayenne?

Cayenne pepper is a hot chili pepper, frequently used in the preparation of spicy dishes, associated with a wide range of health benefits . The chili originated in Central and South America. It is named after the capital city of the French Guiana, “Cayenne”…

Combined Ketogenic Diet And Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Proves Effective Against Metastatic Cancer

A combination of nontoxic dietary and hyperbaric oxygen therapies effectively increased survival time in a mouse model of aggressive metastatic cancer, a research team from the Hyperbaric Biomedical Research Laboratory at the University of South Florida has found…

Higher Protein Diets Help Weight Loss, Women Find

Most of us have either done the South Beach Diet, Zone Diet or Atkins, or have known somebody who has tried a high protein diet. According to the International Food Council Foundation, a high percentage of women who eat more protein do not only avoid weight gain, but also report weight loss…

Serving Size Is What Drives How Much We Eat More Than Anything Else

Large servings make us eat more, even when we are are taught about the impact of portion size on consumption, according to investigators from the University of New South Wales, Australia. People who learned how to engage in mindful – instead of mindless – eating still ate much more food than those given smaller servings with no orientation regarding mindful eating…

Pica And Geophagy: Unearthing A Hidden Dietary Behavior

Though it was identified as a disorder as early as the 14th century, pica, or the eating of non-food items, has for years believed to be all but non-existent in a few corners of the globe – a 2006 study that reviewed research on pica found just four regions – the South of South America, Japan, Korea and Madagascar – where the behavior had never been observed…

Dukan Diet: French Food Faddism Or Long Term Diet?

There was the South Beach Diet, Atkins, Sonoma, Cabbage Soup and even the Buddah Diet. There is the Fennagold, Grapefruit Diet and Herbalife.

Ancient Food Source Tested For Treating ALS

Nutritional supplementation with Spirulina, a nutrient-rich, blue-green algae, appeared to provide neuroprotective support for dying motor neurons in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, University of South Florida neuroscientists have found…

Global Vitamin D Maps In Development As Concern Increases Over Widespread Vitamin D Deficiency In Asia

Bone health experts attending the 1st Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting in Singapore this week have flagged vitamin D deficiency as a major concern in the region, particularly in South Asia where the problem is especially severe and widespread across the entire population. Dr…

Global Hunger Index Shows Importance Of Addressing Childhood Malnutrition

“The Global Hunger Index released Monday finds that many developing countries primarily in South Asia and Latin America have made significant progress in reducing hunger…

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