Keep your fruit close and your vegetables closer

College students wishing to eat healthier may want to invest in a clear fruit bowl says a recent article.

Healthy Eating Not Top Of The List For New Parents

It is often thought that starting a family will lead parents to healthier eating habits, as they try to set a good example for their children. Few studies, however, have evaluated how the addition of children into the home may affect parents’ eating habits.

Pulling The Plug On Pacifiers Questioned By Researchers

Binkies, corks, soothers. Whatever you call pacifiers, conventional wisdom holds that giving them to newborns can interfere with breastfeeding. New research, however, challenges that assertion…

Gut Flora, High-Fat Diets and Metabolic Disorders

A diet rich in greasy foods causes an imbalance in our gut flora. The composition of the gut flora seems to determine the way in which the body develops certain metabolic disorders such as diabetes, regardless of any genetic modification, gender, age or specific diet…